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NCTF 135HA BeautifEYE and Bionutrineck with Nanosoft Needle

We are delighted to now offer the internationally renowned skin revitalising product NCTF 135HA  to treat  the delicate areas around the eyes and neck. NCTF 135HA is a powerful polycomponent formulation containing hyaluronic acid, many vitamins, minerals, and coenzymes that trigger regeneration at the cellular level; it is now known as NCTF®.
NCT135HA consists of a unique formulation that improves skin quality; it consists of free non-crosslinked HA : 12 vitamins + 24 amino acids + 6 co-enzymes + nucleic acids + 6 minerals + 6 others
NCTF® significantly increases tonicity, hydration and skin radiance, while having a considerable effect on the appearance of wrinkles.

For  more information see details on our page: Dermal Fillers

Contact us to arrange a discussion on this new treatment.

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