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Many of the procedures performed by Mr Humzah are suitable for men - you should discuss your requirements and he will describe the options that would be suitable for you. For example:

Rhinoplasty - Non-Surgical
Eyelid Reduction
Wrinkle Reduction Injections
Dermal Fillers 
Pinnaplasty or Otoplasty


Gynaecomastia, or enlarged male breasts (“man boobs”), is a very common problem.  It can develop due to hereditary factors or diet and lifestyle.

What can be done?

The amount of breast tissue and the excess fat in the breast area can be reduced using surgery, liposuction or a combination of both.  You will need to avoid vigorous exercise or heavy lifting for up to a month and may need to wear a support garment for a few weeks to assist in healing and help to improve the result.

How well does it work?

The procedure is usually very effective and the chest area should look significantly flatter and more firmly contoured.  The effectiveness of the results may be decreased should you subsequently put on weight.

How much does it cost?

The fee for this procedure is a guide only.  The surgery recommended will be tailored to meet the needs of the individual patient.  The exact fee will be calculated for you after your consultation.

Guide Price: From £4,500

The fee quoted will cover costs related to your total care (pre-operative assessments, accommodation, medications, routine investigations), and surgeon's fees. It also covers all required post - operative visits and any necessary management of clinical complications. It does not include the initial consultation fee of £110 which will be invoiced separately.

Where can I have a consultation?

Plastic surgery clinics are available at Beechwood House Medical Centre, Wolverhampton and Roseville House Dental Practice, Gloucester.

Where can I have my plastic surgery?

The procedure is performed at Beechwood House Medical Centre, Wolverhampton

Where to get further information.

For further information on all procedures, please contact us on 0800 084 2321 or email