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NeckTite™ & FaceTite™

NeckTite™, FaceTite™ and AcuTite™represent a new technology based on the BodyTite™ procedure described as Radio-frequency assisted Liposuction (RFAL™). Mr Humzah has been trained in both the BodyTite and the NeckTite™ / FaceTite™ procedures and can offer these treatments for you. He is one of the UK Trainers in this procedure.

BodyTite is an FDA cleared device that uses patented radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL™) technology to achieve body contouring and skin contraction. This technology has now been developed into the NeckTite™ , FaceTite™ and AcuTite™ techniques. These are minimally invasive procedures for contouring the face, neck, upper facial and small areas of the body.

This procedure contracts excess fat in small to medium sized areas and reduces unwanted fat in the areas treated (e.g. under the chin); the internal radio-frequency tightens the skin. This is an option if you have unwanted fat or skin laxity and do not want an excisional procedure. This procedure can be combined with the Morpheus 8™ skin resurfacing which is an advanced fractional radio-frequency treatment providing you with anti-aging improvements on skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance through ablation and skin resurfacing.

Guide Price:  From £3,900.00

Where can I have a consultation?

Plastic surgery clinics are available at Beechwood House Medical Centre, Wolverhampton and Roseville House Dental Practice, Gloucester.

Where can I have my procedure?

NeckTite™, FaceTite™ and AcuTite™ are performed at Beechwood House Medical Centre, Wolverhampton.

Morpheus 8™

Morpheus 8™ delivers RF energy to the skin through a number of tiny pins producing localized heat and small micro-lesion dots in the treatment area similar to micro-needling. The gentle heat generated by Morpheus 8™ in the sub-dermal tissue promotes collagen restructuring for skin rejuvenation and an improved appearance in the skin. The micro-lesions allows the skin to heal faster than if the entire area was ablated.
With this procedure there is minimal downtime and it is possible to tailor the treatment for light or more intensive fractional resurfacing. Overall this reduces the appearance of wrinkles and addresses fine lines, deep lines, texture and pigment irregularities and redness.

Guide Price:  From £600.00 per area per session

Where can I have my procedure?

Morpheus 8™ is performed at Beechwood House Medical Centre, Wolverhampton.

Where to get further information.

For further information on these procedures, please contact us on 0800 084 2321 or email