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Mole removal / Skin Lesions

Most people have a few moles but the amount, size and colour can vary significantly.  Some are present at birth, others develop over time.  Most are harmless but any moles which show changes in size or colour or which start to bleed should be checked by a doctor.  If you have a mole or moles which make you feel self conscious or which cause problems during everyday activities such as washing or dressing you may wish to have them removed.

How can I have a mole/moles removed?

Moles can be removed by a variety of different methods which will be discussed with you at your consultation. The area will be numbed by a local anaesthetic.  Any scarring should be minimal and the risk of this will be explained at your consultation.

How much does it cost?

The fee for this procedure is a guide; variations do exist between hospitals and fees will be individually calculated for you after your consultation.

Guide price: From £1,000

What do the fees cover?

The fee quoted will cover costs related to your total care (medications, routine investigations), clinic and surgeons  fees. It also covers all required post-operative visits and any necessary management of clinical complications. It does not include the initial consultation fee of £110 which will be invoiced separately.

Where can I have a consultation?

Plastic surgery clinics are available at Beechwood House Medical Centre, Wolverhampton and Roseville House Dental Practice, Gloucester.

Where can I have my plastic surgery?

Minor operations are performed at Beechwood House Medical Centre, Wolverhampton.

Where to get further information.

For further information on all procedures, please contact us on 0800 084 2321 or email